Custom Icons for Android App using PhoneGap (CLI)
This process took me way longer than it should have to figure out. It turns out I needed to manually put the icons in the ./platforms/android/res/drawable*
folders, clean the project to clear the cache, and rebuild it.
Below are the steps you need to follow to get your custom icon working with your PhoneGap Android app:
Build the Android project as-is
phonegap build android
Replace the files in
with your icons. (Hint: If you don’t have a script to automatically generate the icon sizes, you can always create a new project in Eclipse with your custom icon and it will generate all the icon sizes for you, and you can even crop as a circle, or add a drop shadow as well.)/platforms/android/res/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png /platforms/android/res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png /platforms/android/res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png /platforms/android/res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png /platforms/android/res/drawable/icon.png
Run a cordova clean on the project to clear the cache of old icon files
Build the project again
phonegap build android
If you did this properly and you’re running PhoneGap 3.4.0 you should be able to see the icons being crunched…
[crunch] Crunching PNG Files in source dir: /Users/kevin/Desktop/myapp/platforms/android/res
[crunch] To destination dir: /Users/kevin/Desktop/myapp/platforms/android/ant-build/res
If you are adding custom splash screens as well make sure they are all named screen.png and add these two lines to your config.xml
Please leave a reply if you have any questions.