The Mailbox app iOS app has recently replaced Apple Mail on my phone, and I love how it’s turned my inbox into a categorical to-do list and reminder system. While  it’s nice being able to handle tasks initiated by others, I also decided to unify this system with my personal tasks and reminders.

I wanted to share the method I’ve been using to do this, since it’s been working so well for me. The fastest way I’ve found to add items to my to-do list is through the command line using this simple command:

echo "$2" | mail -s "$1"

I put this in a script name “todo” and use it like this:

$ todo "Task Name" "Optional Details"
$ todo "Task Name With No Details"

Once you have the task in your mailbox you can manage it using the Mailbox app. It even gets recognized as a “note to self” so you know you initiated the task. If you haven’t jumped on Mailbox yet I implore you to check it out here.